Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Moral Minefields: Legal and Ethical Dilemma

What may be legal may not be ethical. That's the main thesis of the subject topic of the week. Perhaps the laws, that the media fall back on, could be used for the media's own protection. But what is the extent of the ethical code that could be applied to the story? Australian Media Law is available in book form and the contents of the book could be viewed here.

It could be difficult to say when legalities would clash with the journalism's code of ethics. With that, David Ingram (2008) from The News Manual, opened the chapter on legal and ethical dilemmas by stating that each culture has its own distinct differences. He also encourages that journalists ask lawyers, court officials or legal academics on the questions that they face during their reporting on issues that may pose an ethical dilemma.

I found this video created by a team of Bachelor of Communications Research. They are talking about Journalism Ethics, Plagarism and the other subjects that would wrap up the end of this blog nicely.